Lessons over Skype
The Skype technology eliminates costs: there are no specific rooms, because we use Skype as place of encounter between teacher and learner so that they can get in touch directly one with another.
The Skype technology eliminates costs: there are no specific rooms, because we use Skype as place of encounter between teacher and learner so that they can get in touch directly one with another.
online courses
The most obvious advantage of online courses is their flexibility. In some cases, the fix time schedules of traditional offers can be an obstacle. Since even the most motivated learners face the challenge of having to adapt the time schedule of the course to their personal time schedule. But with courses over Skype this problem can be solved easily: the courses are carried out at advantageous times for the learner(s) by adapting them to their time schedule.
ProMosaik Interlanguage offers its lessons and online language courses in the following languages: German, English, Italian, French, Arabic, Turkish, Portuguese, Greek and Russian.
The language courses offered over Skype are cost-effective: the prices are adapted to the market conditions of the country where the student lives and works. 20% of the sales are reinvested and teachers’ training and marketing. For group courses, the total is split under the participants.